There is nothing better than a ball game in the summer.
So why don’t you incorporate a game in to your week end activities wile in Newport
The season starts June 6th Thru Aug 9th
The season starts June 6th Thru Aug 9th
If You want to play your own game here is a list of playing fields
* Hunter Field - located on Van Zandt Avenue
* Murphy Field - located on the corner of Carroll Avenue and Ruggles
* Robert Douglas Field - located on Wellington Avenue
* Toppa Field (In Freebody Park) - located on Middleton Avenue
* Cardines Field - located on America's Cup Avenue at Marlborough Street
* Goldberg Little League Field - located on Maple Avenue
* Hogan Field - (Little League) located on Wellington Avenue
* Murphy Field - located on Wellington Avenue
* Vernon Field - located on Vernon Avenue
So Play Ball Newport Stlye!