Many Thanks to Micheal Scully and Marie Norton for inviting me to host the table top flowers at this Bridal Event.
My colleagues Jamie Baum of NYC Ensembles and Cynthia Peithman of Cakeline joined me to meet and greet the brides.
Its always a pleasure to work with such great talent!
A Bit about Scully & Scully
The oldest boutique in business on Park Ave. from 34th to 96th Sts., Scully & Scully, near the corner of 59th St., holds the top home-decor and decorative- objects collection in the country. Having just passed its 75th anniversary, the 10,000-square-foot, two-floor boutique is a treasure chest for those wanting to associate their home with timeless elegance.
While the store's strict policy is not to "sell and tell," sources tell us Jacqueline Onassis, Grace Kelly, European heads of state and first ladies all walked the aisles. Founded in 1934 by two married antiques dealers, the store has grown into one of New York's most respected home furnishing stores.
Scully & Scully is at 504 Park Ave., between 59th and 60th Sts. It's open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. To order a catalogue, call (212) 755-2590 or go to Scullyandscully.com.