Scully & Scully Hosts A 30th Birthday Party For The Fund For Park Avenue
McLaughlin said "This anniversary is an important milestone and an opportunity to recognize the extraordinary generosity of the many people who have supported our efforts over the years."
In addition to music by Alex Donner, the celebration featured four spring table settings. Each centerpiece was inspired by the Park Avenue malls: Eleni's New York provided tulip-topped cupcakes for a children's party hosted by Evie Brown and Blair Clarke. Will Ryman lent models of his work that will decorate the malls this January to a table for members of The Fund's Sculpture Advisory Committee. Eugenie Niven Goodman's dinner for famous horticulturalists featured a classic mall by Ron Wendt Design in boxwood and tulips. Event designer Nancy Swiezy hosted a table, in which she envisioned a Buddha visiting a mall.
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